Friday, December 5, 2014

19. Aesop' Fables - A Cartload of Almonds

Once there lived a small squirrel in a forest. She was very witty.

One day she went to join the service to a lion who was the King of the Forest.
The squirrel was quick learner and did all the work given by the lion quickly and perfectly. The lion became very happy with the squirrel. He decided that he would give a cart loaded with almonds to the squirrel when she retires from her service to the might king.

But other squirrels in the forest enjoyed their freedom while the small squirrel was bonded with the lion for serving him. The small squirrel envied them. He longer to brace branches of trees, race up and down the warty trunks nor could he leap their branches and  play around. But he had to serve the lion according to the forest rules.

The small squirrel became very sad, but he consoled himself thinking that he would receive cartload of almonds, a nut which squirrels get in their lifetime. He thought, 'Let them play and enjoy their freedom now, but when I will retire I will have a cartload of almonds and they will envy me then'.

Gradually years passed by. The squirrel who had been serving the lion for so many years, became old and weak. Now it was time for him to retire and return back to his home under the tree.

The lion was impressed with the squirrel's loyalty and he gave a grand feast in his honor. The entire forest gathered in the celebration. In the end, the lion called his servants to bring the decorated cart loaded with almonds. When the forest squirrels saw the almond loaded cart, they said, 'He will receive these many almonds for his years of service at this age!'

But the old squirrel was filled with remorse and was regretful when he saw the cart of almonds. He realized that he had lost the time to enjoy them as all his teeth were broken. The loads of almonds were no longer useful for him.

Moral : Succeed has time limits.

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