Tuesday, December 16, 2014

110. Aesop' Fables - The Man and the Wooden God

Back in time, men worshipped wood and wooden idols. He sought their blessings for luck and good life.

Once there lived a man. He faced various hardships in life and considered himself unfortunate.
The man had an idol of wood which he inherited from his father. The man prayed devotedly before the idol everyday for luck and prosperity.

Years continued to pass by, and though the man prayed to the idol diligently and devotedly, his luck never seemed to change. He was ill and property stricken as he had been for years.

One morning, when the man came to pray before the idol his heart sank in despair. He suddenly turned in rage and smashed the idol. The idol dismantled into pieces and a place was filled by gold coins all around. Their noise filled the space around and the man witnessed the sudden change in his luck.

Moral: (1) Never have blind faith. (2) Never loose hope (there is always light at the end of tunnel).

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