Monday, December 8, 2014

The Lion and the Foolish Donkey

Once there lived a lion named Karalakesara. The lion had a jackal as his attendant.

One day the lion fought with an elephant. He was severely wounded and could not prey.
Days passed. The lion and his attendant - the jackal who was depended on lion for his food starved. One day, the jackal said, 'Master, I am starved. I am too weak to serve you'.

The lion said, ' I am starved as well. I have a painful limb and cannot run. So, go and find an animal who I can kill'.

The jackal went searching for the prey for lion. He trespassed the forest and entered a village where he saw a donkey.

The jackal went to the donkey who was busy grazing the grass and warmly said, 'Friend! How are you doing? Its been days since we have seen each other. I came to meet you. But you took very weary and thin. Why so?’

The foolish donkey thought that the jackal was kind and emphatic. He lamented, 'My master is wicked. He makes me carry huge burden and denies me food. I have come to gaze here as I am starved'.

The jackal came to know the donkey's weakness and lured him, 'Friend, there is no need to worry. You can come with me to the forest. My master is kind and protects us. There is ample fodder which you can live on. Besides, if you leave the village; you will be get freedom from carrying the burden which your master loads you with. In forest you can eat and rest with no bondage'.

The donkey was swayed away by the jackal's words. He readily followed him to the forest. The jackal led the donkey to the lion's cave. The lion was very happy to see the donkey and before the donkey came close to him, the lion tried to pounce on him. The lion had grow weak and fell down. The donkey suspected that was an attempt to attack and ran away.

The lion was embarrassed. The jackal was surprised. He immediately turned to follow the donkey. He followed the footprints and reached the donkey.

The jackal asked the donkey, 'Friend, what made you run away? Why do you look so sacred?'
The donkey was annoyed. He said, 'Where did you take me? The animal there attempted to kill me. You have cheated me'.

But the jackal was sly. He smiled and said, 'Friend, there was a female donkey in the cave. When she saw you, she was unable to stop herself and tried embracing you. You should have not run away the way you did. She will think that you are timid and unmanly. I insist that you return to the cave and save your repute. Further, do you think you can escape a lion's or tiger's attack? Do you think such animals can fall when attacking their prey? Well, of course not!'

Once again, the donkey was carried away by the jackal's words. He agreed to return to cave.
When the donkey returned to the cave, the lion attacked him with all his force and killed him.
The lion was weak and tired. He suddenly fell asleep. The jackal who was supposed to guard the carcass and eat only after the lion ate. But he was too hungry to wait.

The jackal ate the donkey's brain and then waited for the lion to wake up.

When the lion woke up, he saw that the donkey's brain was missing. The link got angry and asked the jackal about it. The jackal was quick witted and answered, 'Master, the brain is not missing. In fact the poor donkey had no brain. If he had brain to think, he would have not returned to the cave after being attacked once'.

The jackal had justified himself. The lion felt enlightened and enjoyed the food.

Moral: Beware of people who are sly. They can deceive you with polite and convincing use of words.

Read More Stories From Panchatantra

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