Monday, December 22, 2014

The Little Girl And The Goddess Laxmi

Once there lived a small girl in a small village.

The girl lived with her family in a small hut. There was a banana tree in the backyard of the hut. The girl loved the tree and watered it everyday. In the evening, the girl lit lamp at its roots every evening.

One day when the girl was watering the tree, a voice called her from it and said, ‘Little girl, would you like to play with me?’

The girl was horrified to hear the strange voice and ran inside. She was terrified and narrated the incident to her mother. The girl’s mother fondled her and took her in her lap. She said, ‘My dear girl, it was the voice of Goddess Laxmi. She is the Goddess of the banana tree. She is pleased with your service and came to bless you. Go and take her blessings’.

So next day when the girl went to water the tree, Goddess Laxmi appeared and played with the little girl. When it was noon, the Goddess asked the girl, ‘Will you come with me to my home?’

The girl was very happy and agreed to go with the Goddess. The Goddess Laxmi who is known as the Goddess of riches and grants prosperity, took the girl to her palace through the hollow of the vast tree. The girl was mesmerized. She enjoyed the best food at the Goddess’s palace in utensils of gold and silver.  After this the Goddess came back with her and the girl returned to her home.

The girl was elated and narrated the entire sequence of events to her mother. Her mother was equally charmed to her. She said, ‘You should invite the Goddess to our home tomorrow when you meet her’.
But the girl became sad and said, ‘Mother we are poor. We live in this small hut of mud. We are improvised and do not have enough to eat. Our utensils are old and broken and our clothes are equally bad. How can we invite the gracious Goddess in such condition?’

The little girl’s mother was wise. She said, ‘The Goddess is merciful and compassionate. She is fond of our devotion and love rather than our riches. I am sure she’ll be pleased to visit our home. You should request to visit us and bless us’.

The girl was convinced by her mother’s words and next day she requested the Goddess to visit her home. The girl’s mother bowed before her and seated her respectfully. She served her food and when. When Goddess started accepting the offering, the old utensils turned into gold. Their hut was renewed and illuminated with light from all around. The girl and her mother were pleased to see the blessings of Goddess Laxmi come to them.

The girl’s mother said, ‘O Goddess of bounty and prosperity! We are so fortunate to have you at our home. We are fortunate that you gave us a chance to serve you. I pray that you stay with us always let us serve you’.

But Goddess Laxmi said, ‘I am omnipresent. But I stay in house where people are hard working. I am pleased with people who are happy, contended and water the banana tree where I live’. The Goddess blessed the girl and her family and retuned to her home in the tree.
The girl watered the banana tree everyday and remembered the benevolent Goddess. They lived happily thereafter.

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