Tuesday, March 31, 2015

65. Whose Bag It Is ?

Once there lived an oil merchant in a village. The merchant sold edible oil to the villagers. When the villagers came to buy oil from him, he tendered cash from them in exchange for oil.

One day a man came to his shop for buying oil. When the merchant turned to fill the canister with oil, the man pulled the money bag from his side. He claimed it and gave money from the bag to the merchant in return for the oil he bought. But before the man left, the merchant realized that it was his bag that was take away quietly. He saw the bag with the man and asked him to return it to him.  But the man refused to return the bag, and claimed that the bag belonged to him. A terrible insured between them. Soon the villagers thronged around them, listening in wondering.

Finally an old man intervened. He asked the merchant to go to the king's court with the man and the bag of money. Thus they went to the court of Akbar.

The matter was brought up before the king. Akbar heard the issue intendedly, but was perplexed. He could hardly think of a way out. The man claimed, 'My Majesty, how can I go to buy something  without money? This bag belongs to me. I kept on the counter and paid this oil merchant. When I left, he this merchant falsely began claiming it'.

Akbar was stuck. The case was perplexing. He asked Birbal to resolve the issue.

Birbal came forward and asked one if the royal attendants to fetch some water in a wide bowl. The servant did so.

Birbal took the bag of coins and placed it in the bowl. Soon oil started surfacing on the water. Birbal showed the oil reflection to Akbar and said, 'My Majesty, the verdict is cleat. This bag belongs to the oil merchant'.

Akbar was pleased by the way Birbal handled the case. He rewarded Birbal. The merchant received his bag of money back and the customer was punished for cheating him.

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