Once upon a time there lived three cows on a farm. They were of different colours - black, white and brown. They were friendly with each other and gazed together. During night they slept near each other.
One day a hungry lion passed by the farm. He saw the cows and wanted to kill one of them for his food. But the cows sat together and so lion could not attack them. The lion quietly sat behind the fence and waited for them to separate. Two days went by but the cows didn't separate and lion kept waiting.
Then the hungry lion thought of a plan. He peeped through the fence and said, "How are you friends? I was busy and so could not come to ask about your health and well being."
The cows were surprised to hear this.
The brown cow said, "We are happy to see you King Lion. Hope you are fine".
The lion said, "I have ordered a new lush farm for your food and stay."
The brown cow replied, "We are obliged and thankful for what the new farm."
But the white and black cows grew anxious on hearing what the brown cow said to the lion. They feared that the lion might decieve them, "Why is the brown cow getting close to lion as a friend. She should understand that lion prey upon animals like us."
The black and white cow advised their friend not to talk to lion but she paid no heed to their advise.
One day the lion asked the brown cow, "The colour of you and my body is dark. One of your friend is black. So if I kill the white cow, we all will appear similar in colour and there will be no differences amongst us. We will live together thereafter".
The brown cow agreed with the lion. She started gazing with black cow leaving the white cow alone. The lion attacked the white cow and killed her.
After some days, the lion said to the brown cow, "The colour of my body and your body is brown. The black colour is unsuitable. I think I should kill the black cow so that we have resemblance".
The brown cow agreed innocently and lion killed the black cow.
The brown cow was happy and rejoiced to be the only one to have the same colour as that of the mighty lion.
After few days, the lion roared and called the brown cow. He said, "I want to be the only one to have brown colour in the entire forest. So I will kill you."
Hearing this the brown cow got sacred and started sweating. She tried to run away but the lion was strong. He attacked the brown cow and killed it.
Moral : The moral message of the story is divide and rule.

Grab hold of a magic pencil, Open your eyes and mind, For now begins a journey, Of the most exciting kind.
A journey into learning..., A step...a start...a glow, And we will be there with you, To help and watch you grow - Author Unknown
We learn as we grow at all stages in our lives - from crawling to walking, jumping to running to leaning!
I wish all my readers and visitors a very joyful journey on the Wheel of Learning!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Three Cows
Other Short Stories
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