Tuesday, February 10, 2015

28. Aesop's Fables - The Peacock and the Juno

The Peacock and the Juno

Once there lived a beautiful peacock in a jungle.

One day the peacock thought of calling peahen who lived in a nearby jungle for dancing with it. But the peacock had a bad voice. It could not sing and its voice sounded unpleasing and hoarse. 

So the peacock decided to go to Juno, the Roman Goddess of love and marriage.

The peacock said to Goddess Juno, 'O Great Goddess! You are merciful and divine. I have come to ask you to bless me with a good melodious voice like the Nightingale has. I had liked to call my darling peahen by singing for her. We would dance around while I sing. O Goddess grant me my desire for a pleasing voice'.

But Goddess Juno refused the peacock's request, saying 'O beautiful bird! Look at your beautiful lustrous plumage. So adorable! You are my favorite bird. You can very well please your peahen friend with your appearance. I cannot grant all goodness to one being. Be contented and happy with you have and you will make most of it'.

Though the peacock was first sad to hear Juno. He eventually made up his mind. He thanked Juno for her appreciation and enlightenment. 

The peacock returned to the forest and called the peahen from his heart. The peahen soon came. They danced and sang together and lived together thereafter. 

Moral: Be content with your lot. No one can get everthing.

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