Wednesday, October 28, 2015

26. How Ganesha Came to Acquire Elephant Head -

Goddess Parvati created an idol from sandalwood and tumeric smeared from her body. The idol got life and thus Vinayaka named later) was born. When Vinayaka was born, Lord Shiva was away in the forests observed in deep penance. 

Vinayak was waistorable boy. He was respectful and loved his mother dearly. The Ganas and Nandi adored him and played with him. They ate together the food Parvati prepared for them. 

Vinayak was a witty and intelligent boy. He often sat besides his mother asking her about his siblings and his father. Parvati narrated stories of Shiva to him. Thus, Vinayak came to admire and imagine about his father. He expressed his desire to see and visit him. However Parvati said, "Son, your father is a ascetic. He practices severe penance and does not likes to be disturbed. He shall soon come to back from the forest to meet us".

And the day came. Shiva returned to Mount Kalisha after a long period.

It was very early in the morning. All Ganas and Nandi were asleep. However, Parvati was very ritualistic. She bathed early everyday and offered bhel leaves, milk and honey to Shivaling everyday after bath. That day, instead of bathing in the lake Mansarovar, she went to take bath in a waterfall in the hiding of a cave.

Vinayaka followed Parvati, saying "Mother, donot leave me alone. I am coming with you".
Parvati smiled and took Vinayaka along with her. She asked Vinayaka to wait at the the entrance of cave and keep a watch.

"Vinayaka, I am going to take bath. Donot allow anyone to enter the cave hiding", instructed Parvati.

Vinayaka agreed dutifully. He began keeping a watch and waited for his mother to return.

While Vinayaka waited for his mother to return, an fierce looking man came there. He had ash all over his body. He wore several garlands of wooden beads (rudraskha), had a serpent coiled around his neck. He had tiger skin wrapped around his waist. His hair were half woven up high and other half fell as a matt surrounding his sturdy broad shoulders. He carried a vast Trident which had a pellet drum (dambru) tied to it. His hair carried an inclined crescent. To Vinayaka, this humanoid figure appeared very unusual. In fact, seeing Lord Shiva, Vinayaka stepped back in sudden fear. Neither Vinayaka nor Shiva knew their mutual relation - they were father son, unknown to each other!

Shiva raged, "Boy, step aside. This cave hiding is were I bath each time I return from mediation".

Vinayaka defended in a stern affirmative tone, "You cannot enter this cave hiding now. My mother is inside".

Lord Shiva reiterated his need to enter the hiding, however Vinayaka refused bluntly. Shiva was infuriated. He gave one last call, a warning Vinayaka -"Step aside, or I shall kill you"! However, Vinayaka was unnerved. 

Shiva's rage surged. His eyes were intoxicated by anger and he fired his trident in full force towards Vinayaka. Unable to defend himself, Vinayaka fell victim to the wrath of trident. He fell beheaded on the ground. The surroundings reverbrated with the cry of Vinayaka.

Hearing Vinayaka's loud cry, Parvati hurried out. The troop of Ganas and Nandi rushed to the scene. The Lord Vishnu, Brahma and other Gods from heaven appeared there. Seeing beheaded Vinayak, Parvati was devastated.

Filled with rage over the lose of her beloved son, Parvati acquired a furious form. She threatened to destroy the entire existence to avenge killing of her son. This alarmed Brahma the creator of Universe. He requested Parvati to pacify her anger. However Parvati conditioned, "I want my son back or I shall destroy this universe".

Brahma was helpess. He turned to Shiva and pleaded him to find a way out. Shiva asked his Ganas to fetch the head of first creature they see facing north.

The troop of Ganas left with the Gods of Heaven in search of head for Vinayaka's body. They came across a mammoth elephant who sat with its head turned northwards. They took the mighty head to Shiva and Parvati.

Lord Shiva elevated Vinayaka's body and positioned the mighty elephant head on it. Once again, Vinayak took breadth. He got life back. He was now half human and half elephant. 

Seeing the unusual appearance of her son, Parvati was once again enraged. She contended, "O Shiva, who in this existence would care to see such half human form? People will mock at my son's appearance". Saying this she began weeping. The Gods had the same doubt, and Shiva knew their minds! But Shiva overcame all their doubts and Parvati's woes.

Lord Shiva claimed, "Vinayaka, would occupy the foremost and most reverated position among all Gods. He would be the first God to be worshipped. He would appraised as the remover of obstacles and all auspicious beginning shall henceforth commence with his pious name. An endeavour began without remembering him shall fail!".

Hearing Shiva's bliss, Goddess Parvati was gratified. Vinayaka assumed a divine aura and appeared glorified as Shiva blessed him.
Shiva further illustrated, "Parvati, you smeared Vinayaka from your body dust. He would be henceforth be worshipped with you in Gauri pooja".

Shiva turned to Vinayaka and said, "Vinayak, each part of your body shall carry a unique meaning and specifically worshipped - large ears would signify wisdom and ability to listen, large stomach would signify big appetite, large head is indicative of your brilliance, eminence, intellectual and discriminative powers".

Shiva then turned to his Ganas and said, "You fetched the elephant for Vinayaka. You appraise Him. Hence forth, Vinayaka shall be your presiding Lord and will be called as Ganapati or Ganesha".

With this, the assembly of Gods, Ganas, Brahma, Vishnu along with Shiva and Parvati glorified the new form of Vinayaka. So the so called, Ganapati was blissfully adored.

A grand celebration was held on Mount Kailash the abode of Shiva. Parvati's dream of a child came true. Kalisha came to filled with joyful jingles of Ganesha.


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