Once there lived a bird named
Sindhuka lived in a tree on the
mountain top. She was special bird, as her droppings which fell on the earth
turned into gold.
One day a hunter came hunting
around the tree. It was late noon and he was unable to catch any bird. The
hunter was tired and sat under the tree on which Sindhuka nested.
While the hunter was resting, he
saw some bird dropping turned into gold. He was astonished. He thought, 'it
seems there is a special bird on this tree whose dropping have turned into
gold. I must catch this bird'.
The hunter set the trap and waited
Sindhuka, who had been playing
around, did not noticed the trap. She was caught and caged by the hunter. She
rued for being casual.
The happy hunter on this way to
home though, 'This bird can make me a rich man soon, but people will get
suspicious and inform the king. I may be punished'.
So the hunter decided to take the
bird to the king and be contented with whatever reward the king offered him in
The hunter went to the palace. He
told the king about the stance bird and gifted it to him. The king was elated
to receive such a gifted. He rewarded the hunter and asked his men to treat the
bird royally. The bird was put in a big cage and given ample food and water.
One day, a minister from the
king's council said, 'O respectful King! It is unusual that a bird's dropping
turn into gold. It is likely that the hunter has lied to you in want of reward.
I suggest that you release the bird and banish the hunter for deceiving you'.
The minister was known to be wise
and learned. The king trusted him. It occurred to king, 'if is true that the
bird's dropping turn into gold, why did the hunter parted with it? He should
have kept it for his fortune!'
The king happen believe that the
hunter had cheated him for the reward. He was very angry and asked his men to
arrest the hunter and banish him. The bird was set free.
The king and his men watched the
bird fly. The bird sat on a tree and when her droppings fell on ground, they
turned into gold.
The king and his men were stuck in
surprise. They regretted for releasing the bird.
The king asked his men to
immediately chase and cage the bird. But now Sindhuka was free and cautious.
She flew high and far to escape the clutches of greedy men.
Moral: Think and rethink before
you act.
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