Tuesday, December 16, 2014

3.12 Panchtantra - The Cave that Talked

Once there lived a lion who ruled a jungle. His name was Kharanakhara.

One day the lion searched for prey for the entire day. He was hungry and tried, but found no prey. So he decided to return home.

On his way back to home, the lion saw a large cave. The lion thought, 'This big cave should be home to some animal. I should hide in cave and wait for it to return'.

Soon the jackal who lived in the cave returned. The jackal observed footprints of lion entering the cave. He came to be in doubt if the lion was inside the cave.

The jackal wanted to confirm if the lion was inside the cave before entering it, else it would be killed by the lion.

The jackal thought of a plan. He stood in front of the cave and called loudly, 'O mighty cave! Can I come inside you to rest?'

There was no reply, so the jackal called the cave again, saying 'Cave, I am waiting for your reply. I am tired and if you do not reply me soon, I shall go to the other cave for resting'.

The lion had been listening to the jackal. He thought of replying in place of cave, else the jackal would go to the other cave. So the lion replied, 'Jackal! I allow you to enter the cave for resting'.
Hearing the reply, the jackal came to know that the lion was hiding inside the cave. He ran away to save his life.

Moral: You should your presence of mind in time of danger.

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