Thursday, December 11, 2014

156. Aesop Fable - Two Travelers And The Tree

One hot afternoon, two weary travelers seeking shelter came and sat under a tree. They felt calm and heat rescued under the tree's shade.
One of them was hungry and said, 'What kind of tree is it? Does it bear any fruits which we can eat and take along with us for the rest of the journey?'
The other traveler replied, 'Friend! It is a bare fruitless tree. It bark is equally worthless. The tree is utterly useless in its existence'.
The tree who was listening to the travelers, said, 'O unthankful man! You speak without thinking. Its been hours since you have been lying under my shade and relaxing. You are ungrateful and rude!'
The traveler was filled with remorse. He paid his apology to the tree and gratified it for enlightening him.
Moral: Do not criticize or offend people. Respect them for what they are.

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