Monday, December 8, 2014

The Sage’s Daughter Who Married A Mouse

A long ago there lived a sage with his wife on the banks of a river. They had no child and were unhappy about it.

One day, when the sage was meditating, a kite bird dropped a she-mouse which fell in sage's lap.
He believed that it was God send and decided to take it home. But the sage thought that people might laugh on him and hence he changed the mouse into a girl.

When the sage returned home, his wife asked him about the girl. The sage told her the story and said, "I should put her back to her original form."

But the sage's  wife stopped him and said, "You gave her life and hence you are her father. I beg you not to change her to mouse. We do not have any child. We should accept her as our daughter."

The sage happily agreed with his wife and they started bringing up the girl as their own child.
Years passed and the girl grew up to become a beautiful maiden. Seeing this, the sage's wife asked him to find a suitable match for their daughter. Hearing this the sage suggested that the Sun God could be an ideal match for their daughter. His wife agreed to this.

The sage prayed to the Sun God and the God appeared. The sage humbly requested the God to marry his daughter.

The sage daughter heard this and refused to marry the God. She reasoned that the sun was hot and would burn her to ashes.

The Sage was disappointed over this and prayed to the Sun God to suggest a suitable groom for his daughter. The Sun God said, "The God of Cloud God is the only one who can stop sun rays. He can be a good match for her."

The sage then prayed to the God of Clouds. But the sage's daughter refused to marry him saying that the he is too dark and makes terrifying thundering sounds. The sage felt sorry and asked the God to suggest a groom for his daughter. The Lord of Clouds suggested, "O Sage! The Wind God blows me away easily. He can make ideal match for your daughter."

The sage then prayed for the Wind God to appear. When the Wind God appeared his daughter again refused to marry him, saying "He is weak and always moving." The sage was helpless and asked the Wind God to suggest a groom for his daughter. So the Wind God said, "The God of Mountain is very strong and can stop winds. O sage! The G
od of Mountains can be ideal match for your daughter."

So the Sage went to the God of Mountains and asked him to marry his daughter. However, once again the girl refused saying that the God of Mountains was stone hearted. The sage asked the God suggest suitable groom for her and the God said, "A mouse can make a good match for your daughter as it can make holes in the mountains."

The daughter finally agreed to marry a mouse.

The wise sage said, "This is called destiny. You were born as a mouse and destined to marry a mouse. So the sage changed the girl again into a female mouse. She married the mouse and lived happily thereafter.

Moral: You cannot change your destiny.Read More Stories From Panchatantra

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