Once there lived an ass. One day when he was roaming in search of food, he found a lion' s skin. It was kept for drying in the sun by the village hunters who went to the forest for hunting often.
The ass thought of a plan seeing the skin. He covered himself with the lion skin and quietly ran away. The ass went to his village.
The village men and the cattle were terrified to see a lion and they ran away and hide themselves in fear. The ass felt very proud of himself and thought he was now very powerful. He became so happy and excited that he brayed loudly and jumped up. When people heard the bray, they came to know about the ass.
The ass's master recognized it, and he immediately rushed towards the ass. He was very angry and gave it cudgelling for the fright it had caused.
Moral - Fine clothes may disguise, but silly
words will disclose a fool.
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