Friday, February 6, 2015

40. Aesop's Fables - Avaricious and Envious

One day two neighbours went to Lord Jupiter asking him to grant their respective wishes.

But they did not have true hearts -  one of them was full of avarice, while the other was consumed by envy. Lord Jupiter was unhappy to learn this. So he decided to grant their wishes, but conditionally. Lord Jupiter said, 'Your wishes will come true. But whatever each of you wishes, your neighbor will receive the same twice as much. I hope this boon will help you understand the need to be pure hearted'.

The neighbors happily returned home. 

The avaricious man then prayed to Lord Jupiter to fulfil his wish to have a room full of gold. Lord granted his wish, and in no time he had a room full of gold. But as it was decided by Lord Jupiter, the man's neighbor came to have two rooms full of gold. His happiness turned into sorrow and he lamented.

On the other hand, when the envious man saw that his neighbor had a room full of gold, he became jealous. He remembered the Jupiter's boon, and asked him 'I wish that my one eye is pulled out'.
The envious man one eye was pulled out. Soon his neighbor's both eyes were pulled out and he became blind. 

Moral: Vices hare their own punishments

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