Tuesday, January 6, 2015

92. Aesop's Fables - The Tree and the Reed

Once there lived a tree in a forest. The tree was very large and old.

One day the tree saw a reed growing near its foot, and said, ‘O little reed, you are so tender and young. Try to plant your root firmly in the soil’.

The reed replied, ‘O mighty tree, I am contented with the way I am. I am not tall enough to raise my head and face the winds, but I can bow my head safely to the ground’.

Hearing this tree said, ‘I am equally safe. I am deep rooted and stand with my head high in the winds. No hurricane or wind can uproot me!’

Days passed by. One day the weather turned bad. It rained all day through and soon a hurricane hit the area.
The tree was uprooted and rendered as a dead log on the ground. However, the reed which bad bend to the
ground, stood up soon after the hurricane receded.

Moral: Obscurity often brings safety.

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