Wednesday, February 11, 2015

30. Aesop's Fables - The Bald Man and the Fly

One day on a hot summer afternoon a man came and sat under the shade of a tree.  He was very tired and soon fell asleep.

While he slept, several flies came around him and buzzed in his year. The man was irritated by the disturbing noise and woke up. He shoo away the flies but the flies kept buzzing around his ears and touching his bald pate. The sting him often. The man attempted to give a dead blow to the flies, but the flies were quick and every time the man happen to his head badly.

After sometime the man gave up. He understood that there no use of fighting back with flies. He stood up and went hi way.

Moral: It is not use to notice or fight against despicable enemies, as it will cause injury to one's won self.

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