Saturday, December 13, 2014

134. Aesop's Fables - The Boastful Swallow and the Crow

Once there lived a swallow and a crow in a forest. They were good friends and spend their time together.

One sleepy afternoon, after they had their meals, the swallow started relating the tale of her past. She boasted saying, 'I have a royal lineage. I was a beautiful maiden, an aspiring beauty, a princess, an Athenian, born to the King of Athens'.

While the crow was sleepy and the swallow continued narrating her story. She said, ' I was so beautiful and irresistible that the great Thracian king Tereus laid his hand on me. He cut my tongue so that I could not say a word in my defense. Such honorable is descend'.

The crow tried of hearing the swallow said, 'Pity you! It is amazing that you chat so much after having your tongue incised. I wonder what would have happen if the king Tereus would have not incised your tongue!'

Moral: (1) Think before you speak. (2) When people lie and boast about themselves, they testify their false statements themselves.

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