Thursday, December 3, 2015

45. Aesop' Fables - The Dog and the Wolf

One year there was no rain. The water in ponds dried up and there was no food for animals. Many animals starved and died.

One afternoon, a hungry wolf reached the forest limits while searching for the food. It was very weak and lied down under the shade of a tree. Just then a dig came there.

The dog was domesticated and lived with his master in his home. The master was kind and caring. 

Seeing the wolf in a pitiable state the dog said,  'Brother, its been so many months since we have met. You do not look good. What has happened to you?'

The wolf narrated how the forest animals have been suffering due to lack of food and water. Hearing the wolf the dog said, 'Friend, I told you earlier also - life in wild is uncertain and difficult. You have to run for food ever day. Therefore I suggested that you work steadily. You will be provided with food readily and also taken care of if you are sick or hungry'.

The wolf had a dried throat. He replied in a hoarse voice, 'I certainly agree with you. But there is no such place that I can find'.

The dog replied, 'I have been working here for years. I know many people. I will certainly help you in getting a home where you can live and serve the master'.

So the wolf followed the dog. Together they walked towards the village.
On the way, they talked about various things. Suddenly, the wolf noticed a continuous ban like mark across the dog's throat. The fur there was worn our. 

The wolf asked in surprise, 'Friend, you neck shows a prominent band. The fur is badly worn out there. How did you happen to get it?'

The dog replied, 'That mark came from the collar my master puts around my neck everynight to chain me up. In it beginning it chafed me, but now I am used to it'.

Hearing the dog's reply, the wolf stopped. He said, 'Friend, I love to be free. I cannot be bonded and work as a slave'.

The wolf returned to the forest where he lived freely in the wild.

Moral: Better starve free, than be a fat slave.

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